Conference Exhibition and Sponsorship


Income from Conference Exhibition and Sponsorship is very important. You need to look for someone who can help you raise those funds, and has a proven history in meeting or even exceeding their clients target find. By being connected to people, being able to cut through the mounds of the red tape and filled with bright ideas, you need to acquire those commercial interest that is really involved in your very big event or conference, and take away the entire hassles that you do not want to face.

One of the key elements of most successful meeting management is the exhibitors and sponsors involvement. You need to believe and understand that your focus should not be just on the financial aspect of the commercial partners, but also on how the Conference Exhibition and Sponsorship can help them meet their objectives in marketing. This kind of approach can possibly build a very strong relationship amongst those involved in the event and both the stakeholders and the conference itself can achieve their goals.

Related: Meeting Management: How to Organise a Conference with Roles Defined

Negotiate for exhibition and sponsorship packages as those are the key strengths and a very good example on how to make a strategic approach in order to experience the numerous advantages of organising conferences. You need to come up with fresh and new ideas for the sponsors in order to help them attain their objective in marketing, and in return, they will improve the delegate experience.

You also need to design a comprehensive Conference Exhibition and Sponsorship brochure which includes the following information:

  • A very clear description of the sponsor’s benefits
  • A list of available items for sponsorship (e.g. speaker expenses, conference App, bursaries for the delegates, travel grants, conference/reception dinners, coffee/tea breaks, delegate bags, etc.)
  • Marketing profile of potential delegates, by country, discipline, and more.

Furthermore, you need to be aware of the sensitivities that might arise during the introduction of commercial involvement to the conference. One particular importance is the significance of maintaining the academic/scientific program content credibility and avoiding any conflict interest from the commercial partners. Compliance and Pharma Codex are the magic words.

For the conference, you need to take the responsibility for marketing, management and organisation of Conference Exhibition and Sponsorship. Your specific responsibilities include:

  • Sales and Space Allocation – develop marketing plans, promoting layout plans and leaflets, contacting and identifying potential exhibitors, draw up of contractual obligations including the cancellation of fees, and safety and health regulations.
  • Contractor Arrangements and Exhibitor Liaison – negotiating the conditions and terms with the sub-contractors such as booth set-up, lighting and electrical services, waste removal and cleaning services, and shell scheme providers.
  • Exhibition Build-up, Breakdown and Management – informing the exhibitors of the breakdowns and build-up arrangements, providing an adequate cover for security, liaising with the emergency and fire service authorities, providing staffs that will assist the exhibitors during the period of build-up and arranging for the contractor or exhibitor parking of vehicle.

Related: Effective Conference Cash-Flow Management

Conference Exhibition and Sponsorship is without a doubt very important in raising fund for you upcoming conference. In order to successfully host a conference exhibition and have great sponsorship, just follow the information mentioned above, develop effective strategies, and revitalise the existing ones. Congrex Switzerland is your Professional Conference Organiser (PCO) with many years of expertise regarding Conference Exhibition and Sponsorship. Just contact our experts.

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