How To Write A Conference Abstract


A conference abstract is the first impression you make on the conference organiser. It is your opportunity to showcase your expertise and the value you can bring to the event. With conference organisers inundated with hundreds of abstracts, how can you ensure that yours stands out?

Our abstract management experts at Congrex regularly assist organisations in processing and preparing abstracts for academic conferences. We are adept at identifying abstracts that will deliver high-quality content and actively engage audiences.

What to Include in Your Conference Abstract

Some organisations have proposed this formula for writing conference abstracts:

topic + title + motivation + problem statement + approach + results + conclusions = conference abstract

While this formula is evident and easy to follow, we think it can be simplified further:

Title + Problem Statement + Purpose + Methods

Streamlining your conference abstract’s composition makes it easier to keep your submission concise and engaging.


Ensure the title of your abstract clearly states the topic. This not only aids readers in quickly understanding your abstract but also assists staff and automated systems in recognising its relevance amid many submissions. Strive to make your title as intriguing and memorable as possible.

Problem Statement

Clearly articulate the current issue early in the abstract, engaging the organisation’s interest in your proposed solutions.


Alongside your problem statement, clearly outline the explicit purpose of your work to help the organiser understand how you fit into the conference agenda.


While detailed breakdowns of methodology and results are often recommended, many organisations now accept more concise abstracts focusing on the research’s relevance, reliability, and ethical considerations. Provide an overview of your methods, including any controls and processes used.

RELATED: What to consider when organising a medical conference

Adapting to Virtual and Hybrid Formats

With the increasing prevalence of virtual and hybrid conferences, tailor your abstract to engage both physical and digital audiences effectively. Highlight aspects of your research that are particularly compelling when presented online.

Current Trends and Technology

Stay informed about the latest abstract management technologies used by Congrex to ensure your presentation is effectively enhanced and accessible, whether onsite or online. For optimal preparation, consider contacting our team to discuss how these technologies can best support your research presentation.

Ethical Considerations

Expand on any ethical considerations associated with your research, mainly if it involves sensitive data or controversial topics, ensuring your adherence to the highest standards of research integrity.

Six Tips to Get Your Abstract Selected for the Conference

  1. Submit Early: Demonstrate your organisational skills and keen interest by submitting your abstract before the deadline.
  2. Research the Conference: Tailor your abstract to reflect the organisation’s values and interests, adopting its tone and style to enhance alignment with its audience.
  3. Use the Right Keywords: During your research, identify and incorporate keywords that the organisation uses frequently to increase the visibility of your abstract.
  4. Read the Guidelines Carefully: Follow the organisation’s submission guidelines strictly to avoid rejection or delays.
  5. Be Concise: Ensure your abstract is succinct and focused. This will help reviewers understand and appreciate your research without undue time pressure.
    • Tip: Avoid filler words and phrases that can be shortened. For example, rather than “it is important that everyone”, write “everyone should”.
  6. Avoid Jargon: Use clear and accessible language to ensure your abstract is comprehensible to all reviewers, not just subject matter experts.

At Congrex Switzerland, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive abstract management and ensuring appropriate content delivery at conferences worldwide. With years of experience supporting events of all sizes, our dedicated team is here to assist you with your next conference. Contact us for expert support with your conference preparations.

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