Meet the Team Timothy Picton


We would like to introduce Timothy, Apprentice at Congrex Switzerland.

What is your position at Congrex and what activities are you responsible for?

I started my apprenticeship at Congrex in the summer of 2020. Currently, I work in the Registration Department, where I help attendees register for a congress and I also take care of some tasks in reception, handling the mail for instance. During my time as an apprentice, I’ll spend a few months in every department. So far I’ve been at the reception, where I had a lot of direct contact with customers over the phone. After that, I spent a few months in the association team, which takes care of the secretariat for medical societies. Since March, I’ve been in the registration team. Here I help attendees with any problems they may have with their registration for a congress.

How has your work at Congrex changed due to COVID-19?

I thought that this new situation would make it more difficult to ask for help with any questions, but thankfully it has been easy to keep in contact with my team, and help is always there when I need it.

At the beginning of my apprenticeship, I worked in the office as normal. Most of the time there weren’t many other people there, but I had regular contact with my team through video-conferencing. When working from home became mandatory, I started to work remotely. Personally, I prefer to work from home because there are fewer distractions and therefore I can focus more on what I have to do. At first, I thought that this new situation would make it more difficult to ask for help with any questions, but thankfully it has been easy to keep in contact with my team, and help is always there when I need it. At the moment I work two days from home, and one day per week at the office, with the other two days spent in school.

What impact does the Corona situation have on your school and learning routines?

Thankfully the corona situation did not have too much of an impact on my school and learning routine. Since the summer, classes have been allowed to take place on-site, so therefore things have been relatively normal and my education hasn’t been affected too much.

How do you manage your work-life balance in these difficult times?

Since working from home became necessary I’ve also been able to spend more quality time with my family.

To maintain a good work-life balance, I always try not to just stay at home after I’ve finished my work, despite the fact that many places remain closed. To stay active I go for long walks with my dog and occasionally meet with friends after work. Since working from home became necessary I’ve also been able to spend more quality time with my family.

Tell us about the most exciting, fun or challenging work experience you’ve had during your time at Congrex.

What I particularly enjoyed was how diverse the interactions with the attendees were.

I think my most exciting work experience was while I was still working as a trainee when I was part of the staff at the 2019 APC Congress in Basel. I enjoyed the direct contact with the attendees and it was interesting to finally see one of our congresses for myself and to work on-site. I was working at a print station where I helped the attendees print out their badges and also answer any questions they had. What I particularly enjoyed was how diverse the interactions with the attendees were. It was fascinating to see what a busy event like this was actually like.

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