Meet the Team image for Antony Jean-Mertens


We would like to introduce Antony Jean-Mertens, Head of Association Management & ECTRIMS Executive Manager at Congrex Switzerland.

Hi Antony, please introduce yourself; who are you?

My name is Antony Jean-Mertens. I am originally from Colmar, a town in the Alsace region of France. My mother is German, and my father is French. My main hobbies include sports & nutrition, anything that has wheels, and photography (fashion and landscapes). I am also a music lover, and my tastes are pretty diverse, from classical music to electro, deep house etc.

What is your position at Congrex, and what does your daily routine look like?

I am the Head of Association Management and ECTRIMS Executive Manager. My responsibilities are to ensure ECTRIMS remains the best scientific reference in the world of multiple sclerosis and ensure its future while developing new products for the MS research community. As head of Association Management, it is my job to provide excellent service and help make Congrex a place where people are happy and eager to work and ensure our clients are satisfied.

What were the main reasons you wanted to join our team?

“Congrex concentrates on niche markets instead of trying to widen its range of clients without a strategy, as some others do, and I really like that.”

I had a good feeling during the recruitment process. I liked the fact that Congrex focuses on personal development and proves this on a daily basis. Congrex concentrates on niche markets instead of trying to widen its range of clients without a strategy, as some others do, and I really like that.

What do you think are the biggest challenges as Head of Association Management and ECTRIMS Executive Manager?

The ECTRIMS growth and diversification plan and the potential of ECTRIMS were also key in my decision to join the team. As head of the Association Management team, one of my objectives is to help my colleagues feel like they are a vital part of Congrex Switzerland. As ECTRIMS Executive Manager, the challenge lies in the amount of work. ECTRIMS will need to change in many ways: first, by finding a balanced business model between the congress and new, additional sources of revenue. They need to create a robust data resource to add value for both the society and its sponsors. Finally, I will report to the board, keeping them up to date on any developments.

If you had to describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be?

Happy. Sociable. Quiet.

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