

The 32nd Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) will be held in the United Kingdom for the first time in 2016. The  congress is the largest MS meeting in the world with around 9’000 delegates, offering a comprehensive and exciting scientific and teaching programme.

Beside the fact of such attractive destinations as London, modern conference management can be quite challenging to keep abreast of delegate engagement and conference content distribution in this digital age.  

Since 1999 Congrex has been supplying targeted and turnkey solutions in the field of association management, conference management and destination management to the ECTRIMS society and congress. This strategic collaboration has always been based upon the most modern methods. At Congrex, we are constantly analysing important metrics to address and offer fresh solutions that are currently available.

The Changing Role of the Traditional Delegate 

The definition of conference content distribution has dramatically evolved during the past decade. This is particularly the case in reference to the delegates themselves. One primary concern revolves around engagement versus attendance. Delegates now expect superior levels of interaction before, during and after the event. Much of this revolves around the content of the conference and how it is presented. It is key to provide all stakeholders with remote access to digital features, online information and similar resources. Ultimately, these will serve to enhance the end-user experience and foster higher levels of engagement.  

Content and Information Pathways: A Powerful Combination 

While obviously much focus has been placed upon quality content, we should not fail to recognise that the ways in which this material is presented will have just as much of an impact upon the responsiveness of the attendees. This is another core component of effective conference content distribution.

Related: Digital Marketing Trends: Top Tips for Associations

If the mediums employed are unique and highly engaging, the information presented will be better absorbed. To put this in a simpler way, it is critical to generate inspiring content that is able to generate interest and evoke an emotional response. This has always been a key concept of strategic marketing and the concept should be similarly applied within the modern conference management. 

Conference Content Distribution : The Importance of the “Human” Touch 

Appreciating the role of interpersonal rapport, Congrex has developed various turnkey engagement solutions for the association and society clients. As an example, the ECTRIMS introductory video to be broadcasted before the main conference. This video is presented in a self-interview format. Conference chairs literally record their very own “question-and-answer” sessions. These are then distributed to attendees and other end users and of course spread via Social Media. The main benefit with this technique is that apart from important content transition, a personal and amicable persona can be achieved. As mentioned in the previous section, such a strategy is likely to provoke greater levels of interest from the viewers, engage them with the conference and thus enhance the delegate experience already months before the conference takes place.  

[vc_video link=’https://youtu.be/w0Z2j_C84BE’]


Congrex Switzerland is an internationally operating agency delivering integrated solutions especially for non-profit clients. This encompasses the overall organisation of conferences including the management of hotel rooms and the strategic consultancy of associations. Annually Congrex Switzerland organises approximately 33 conferences with over 73’000 delegates. Amongst our clients are international associations, governmental organisation and corporations.

If you wish to receive additional information about Congrex Switzerland, please feel free to contact us.

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