
Professioneller Konferenzveranstalter für Planung von Konferenzen | Congrex

Der Prozess der Planung und Koordinierung einer Konferenz wird in der Regel als Konferenzplanung bezeichnet und kann Folgendes umfassen: Budgetierung, Terminplanung, Auswahl des Veranstaltungsortes, Einholung der erforderlichen Genehmigungen, Koordinierung des Transports, Vermittlung von Rednern oder Entertainern, Bereitstellung von Dekoration und Mobiliar, Veranstaltungssicherheit, Catering, Koordinierung mit Drittanbietern und Notfallpläne. Jede Konferenz ist in ihrer Art einzigartig. Der Veranstaltungsplaner ist die Person, die die Veranstaltung entwirft, plant und durchführt und die Verantwortung für die kreativen, technischen und logistischen Elemente übernimmt.

Nachrichten & Brancheninformationen über: Planung von Konferenzen

Employee Engagement

From Apprentice to Permanent – Employee Engagement and motivated Staff from the very Beginning!

Congrex Switzerland has been training young employees for seven years and builds that way a continuous basis for a highly…

The PCO as a Consultant

The role of a professional conference organiser has drastically changed over the past ten years, and this trend is only…

Get ready: 7th Joint ECTRIMS – ACTRIMS Meeting – World’s Largest Multiple Sclerosis Conference

Using Technology To Magnify The Positive Impact Of Conferences

Conferences provide invaluable opportunities for networking, exchanging innovative concepts, and establishing gold standards. Conference technology can help take the conference…

Embracing the Conference Experience: Engagement and Emotion

Is conference experience something you should pay attention to? Many organisers measure the success of a conference based on finite…

Top Tips for your Untroubled Conference Travel

Many professionals tend to focus upon travelling to conferences about the day of the event itself. This is perfectly fine…

Climate-Friendly Conference: What You Need to Know

There are many matters associated with today’s public events or conferences. Most organisers will take into account metrics such as…

5 Technology Trends in the Meetings Industry

When it comes to technology trends in the meetings industry, there is no doubt that the entire industry has entered…

Tips for Poster Presentations

Poster presentations are a useful way to present research and are commonly used at conferences to attract the attention of…

Global Strategies for Associations

Global Strategies for Associations: Professional associations play a crucial role in the economic development of their respective communities, and as…

The Synergy of Social Media and Successful Conferences

We are all conscious that social media is an important metric which we should always use when planning an upcoming…

Strategic Meeting Management: The Modern Blueprint

What is strategic meeting management? We are often bombarded with a veritable „alphabet soup“ in regards to particular conference management…

How to Attract Influencers to Conferences and Events

One of the most important signs of quality in regards to a conference is the quality of its keynote speakers.…

Your Conference Experience Starts Well Before The Conference Itself

What are some of the keys to creating a memorable and informative conference experience? Most professionals will reference delegate information…

Leading a Conference Steering Committee: Successfully Leveraging Your Options

No doubt the successful organisation of a conference steering committee can be a rather daunting task. This is the main…

Finding Speakers for Your Next Event or Conference: Five Essential Steps for Success

Any conference or event is punctuated by speakers who are able to engage an audience, highlight scientific content and research…

Room Block Poachers: What You Need to Know!

Year after year, conference after conference, associations, destination management and travel consultants, professional conference organisers and other experts in the meeting industry…

Enhancing the Delegate Experience with Effective Conference Content Distribution

The 32nd Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) will be held in the United…

5 Tips How To Organise Conference Accommodation Across the Globe

In order to book the proper conference accommodation in a foreign country that is appropriate for an upcoming conference, you will…

Taking the Guesswork Out of Conference Management: Investing in a PCO

The tasks involved in conference management can be daunting. Often occurring within a highly competitive landscape, organisations need to focus…

Sourcing Your Conference Space: Turnkey Strategies to Meet Your Demanding Needs

Any type of professional conference, seminar, meeting or event must be accurately planned from the very start. Although many stakeholders…

A Marriage of Function and Insight: Keys to Effective Meeting Management

We can envision a conference or meeting much in the same way as we may define the gears of a…

Collaborate and Create: Networking Ideas for Conferences

Networking ideas for conferences. Conference organisers are increasingly placing networking opportunities at the forefront of their events programmes. The reasoning…

The Future is now: Identifying current Trends in Association Management

There is little doubt that professional association management within the associations community is experiencing a renaissance of late. Perhaps unfairly,…

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Congrex Switzerland

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