The exhibition and congress industry is female, its upper echelon is male. On the one hand, I am pleased to be the first female CEO of Congrex Switzerland, on the other hand, I also think that we should be beyond the gender discussion. I never thought that my gender is an issue at our company. Nevertheless, I have recently learnt that a former male employee congratulated our male CFO that he stands to work with a female boss… So, apparently there is still some work to be done. Everybody (should) knows that reducing gender gaps in employment as well as in education can help more sustainable growth. I strongly argue that the integration of women into the talent pool of every company is a must.
In the course of globalisation and digitalisation, new work models and home-office programmes make it easier to reconcile career and family – something to the benefit of mothers and fathers. I recently was at a playground with my two kids on a Friday morning and was very happy to notice that I was the only Mom, all other kids were with their Dads. Diversity and equal treatment of genders is everybody’s business. Let us continue working together into the right direction!
Julia Bicher
CEO Congrex Switzerland