

Unser Team von Tagungs- und Verbandsexperten liebt seine Arbeit und setzt sich mit seinem Fachwissen für den Erfolg unserer Kunden ein.

Für individuelle Anfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an unsere Mitarbeiter unter: vorname.nachname@congrex.com.

Sabine Adam

Chief Key Account Officer | Partner
Benedict Adam: Sponsorship & Compliance Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Benedikt Adam

Sponsorship & Compliance Manager
Silvia Agster: Head of Accommodation & Travel at Congrex Switzerland

Silvia Agster

Head of Accommodation & Travel
Sarah Antenen: Trainee Meeting Planning at Congrex Switzerland

Sarah Antenen

Meeting Planning
Eni Baho: Finance Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Eni Baho

Finance Manager
Nisan Bartov: Key Account Director at Congrex Switzerland

Nisan Bartov

Key Account Director
Karine Baumann: Meeting Planning Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Karine Baumann

Meeting Planning Manager
Araya Bernhard

Araya Bernhard

Meeting Planning Manager
Maria Blatkowska: Marketing & Communication Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Maria Blatkowska

Marketing & Communication Manager
Marina Bourgnon: Finance Accountant at Congrex Switzerland

Marina Bourgnon

Finance Accountant

Julia Bicher

Chief Executive Officer | Partner
Yvonne Brüchert: Guideline Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Yvonne Brüchert

Guideline Manager
Sabrina Mutter: Association Services Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Sabrina Potschka

Registration & Association Services Manager
Michelle Schirpa:

Michelle Schirpa

Abstract & Scientific Programme Coordinator

Stephane Dazet

Chief Operations Officer

Silvano Schär

Chief Commercial Officer
Rahel Wittlin: Senior Registration Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Rahel Wittlin

Senior Registration Manager
Nathalie Wienerroither: Meeting Planning Coordinator at Congrex Switzerland

Nathalie Wienerroither

Meeting Planning Coordinator
Leonie Trogus: Sales & Marketing Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Leonie Trogus

Sales & Marketing Manager
Valentina Vögtlin: Scientific Programme & Project Coordinator at Congrex Switzerland

Valentina Vögtlin

Scientific Programme & Project Coordinator
Natacha Todorovic: Meeting Planning Coordinator at Congrex Switzerland

Natacha Todorovic

Meeting Planning Coordinator
Colette Thilges: Association Services Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Colette Thilges

Association Services Manager
Naomi Smith: Senior Marketing & Communication Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Naomi Smith

Senior Marketing & Communication Manager
Daniela Siewert: Meeting Planning Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Daniela Siewert

Meeting Planning Manager
Florence Sewing: Senior Manager & Team Leader Abstract & Scientific Programme at Congrex Switzerland

Florence Sewing

Senior Manager & Team Leader Abstract & Scientific Programme
Eltjo Schol: IT Senior Systems Engineer at Congrex Switzerland

Eltjo Schol

IT Senior Systems Engineer
Michèle Schaub Jackson: ESO Executive Manager

Michèle Schaub Jackson

ESO Executive Manager
Kathrin Provini: Meeting Planning Coordinator at Conrgex Switzerland

Kathrin Provini

Meeting Planning Coordinator
Simone Pregger: Senior Registration Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Simone Pregger

Senior Registration Manager
Timothy Picton: Accommodation Coordinator at Congrex Switzerland

Timothy Picton

Accommodation Coordinator
Philipp Urban: Registration Coordinator at Congrex Switzerland

Philipp Urban

Registration Coordinator
Ines Brunkow: Head of Meeting Planning at Congrex Switzerland

Ines Brunkow

Head of Meeting Planning
Ruxandra Dähler-Teodoreanu: HR Coordinator at Congrex Switzerland

Ruxandra Dähler

HR Coordinator
Ritupriya Chakraborti: Sponsorship Coordinator at Congrex Switzerland

Ritupriya Chakraborti

Sponsorship Coordinator
Alise Christoffel

Alise Christoffel

Meeting Planning Coordinator
Agnes Dallmer-Zerbe: Key Account Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Agnes Dallmer-Zerbe

Key Account Manager
Christa de Hoog: Business Development Manager

Christa de Hoog

Business Development Manager
Marc Dittes: Registration Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Marc Dittes

Registration Manager
Meaghan Dreyer: Senior Manager Association Services at Congrex Switzerland

Meaghan Dreyer

Senior Manager Verbandsdienste
Abir El Ouni: Head of Sponsorship at Congrex Switzerland

Abir El Ouni

Head of Sponsorship
Johannes Enssle: Sponsorship Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Johannes Enssle

Sponsorship Manager
Paula Frank: Accommodation Purchasing Coordinator at Congrex Switzerland

Paula Frank

Accommodation Purchasing Coordinator
Julia Gerber: Senior Accommodation Purchasing Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Julia Gerber

Senior Accommodation Purchasing Manager
Stefan Gildenberg: Sponsorship Coordinator at Congrex Switzerland

Stefan Gildenberg

Sponsorship Coordinator
Angelina Gritsfeld: Sponsorship Coordinator at Congrex Switzerland

Angelina Gritsfeld

Sponsorship Coordinator
Aline Guggisberg: Sponsorship Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Aline Guggisberg

Sponsorship Manager
Farah Hanizar: Sponsorship Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Farah Hanizar

Sponsorship Manager
Alena Herbstritt: Meeting Planning Coordinator at COngrex Switzerland

Alena Herbstritt

Meeting Planning Coordinator
No image male

Stefan Hermann

IT Systems Engineer
Nicole Hirschmann: Senior Accommo­­da­tion Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Nicole Hirschmann

Senior Accommodation Manager
Sandra Höllnsteiner: Abstract & Scientific Programme Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Sandra Höllnsteiner

Abstract & Scientific Programme Manager
Antony Jean-Mertens: Head of Association Management & ECTRIMS Executive Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Antony Jean-Mertens

Head of Association Management & ECTRIMS Executive Manager
Mario Kantharoobarajah: IT Systems Engineer at Congrex Switzerland

Mario Kantharoobarajah

IT Systems Engineer
Julia Krug: Junior Accommodation Coordinator at Congrex Switzerland

Julia Krug

Accommodation Coordinator
Carine Legio: Senior Marketing & Communication Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Carine Legio

Senior Marketing & Communication Manager
Alexander Lemm: Finance Accountant at Congrex Switzerland

Alexander Lemm

Finance Accountant
Lara Le Noan: Association Services Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Lara Le Noan

Association Services Manager
Noémie Le Quément: Association Service Coordinator at Congrex Switzerland

Noémie Le Quément

Association Service Coordinator
Frank Maier: Head of IT at Congrex Switzerland

Frank Maier

Head of IT
Kristina Meya: Junior Marketing Coordinator at Congrex Switzerland

Kristina Meya

Marketing Coordinator
Olivia Montanari: Key Account Director at Congrex Switzerland

Olivia Montanari

Key Account Director
Wolfgang Müller: Head of Finance at Congrex Switzerland

Wolfgang Müller

Head of Finance
Martina Mutter: Head of Registration at Congrex Switzerland

Martina Mutter

Head of Registration
Valeria_Chief Moral Officer at Congrex


Chief Moral Officer
Frank Wächter: Senior Digital Marketing Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Frank Wächter

Senior Manager für digitales Marketing
Katharina Michels: Accommodation Purchasing Coordinator at Congrex Switzerland

Katharina Michels

Accommodation Purchasing Coordinator
Naomi Smith: Senior Marketing & Communication Manager at Congrex Switzerland

Naomi Smith

Senior Marketing & Communication Manager
Nathalie Wiederkehr: Accommodation Coordinator at Congrex Switzerland

Nathalie Wiederkehr

Accommodation Coordinator
Céline Gschwind: Accommodation Coordinator at Congrex Switzerland

Céline Gschwind

Accommodation Coordinator
Gina Kunst

Gina Kunst


Philipp Hammel, Julia Bicher, Christian Mutschlechner, Daniel Brändlin

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