Sabine Adam image news CIM interview


Our Director of Business Development and Key Accounts, Sabine Adam, was interviewed by CIM, a European Magazine for the Meetings Industry. Find the original interview here.

“One of the biggest challenges in the field of medical congresses are the constant amendments to the Pharmaceutical and MedTech Codes. In addition, there is the new stricter data protection, which naturally plays a major role in the relationship between industry and delegates. In addition to these administrative challenges, a meeting planner must also keep an eye on the new zeitgeist and trends, concentrate on new meeting architecture and advise the customer with new innovative ideas. Generation Y expects different things from a conference than previous generations. Meeting everybody’s needs is the great skill of a planner. We use novelties like name badge printing based on automatic face recognition during the registration at smaller events in order to explore how this can develop in the future. This allows meeting planners to test new challenges in practice.”

Sabine Adam, Director of Business Development and Key Accounts, Congrex Switzerland

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