social engagement


We at Congrex Switzerland value corporate social engagement, the thought that a company should include activities, which benefit the society. Due to our high commitment to corporate social responsibility, we strive to give employment to people of all different kinds of background.

We have therefore participated in a Swiss governmental initiative to integrate citizens from international crisis melt pots to the first labour market. On the one hand, we would like to give them a career opportunity and the chance to learn important professional skills, on the other hand, we can benefit from the knowledge of people from other cultural circles.

Meet Khulud from Syria, Trainee at our company:

How do you like working at Congrex Switzerland?

I have worked for Congrex Switzerland since November 2017 as a trainee in the registration department, and I really enjoy it! I am very grateful for the opportunity given to me by Congrex.  Especially, I enjoy the team and the challenging environment. My colleagues are engaging, dynamic and very supportive. I am provided with a new opportunity to learn something about the meeting industry and to do things I haven’t done before.

When did you come to Switzerland?

I came to Switzerland about five years ago because of the threatening situation in Syria. Here I started with some volunteer jobs. I worked at BAS (Beratungsstelle für Asylsuchende der Region Basel) where my language skills allowed me to handle translations from Arabic / English, English / Arabic.

I also worked for the Red Cross in Basel, where I helped mainly children in a refugee camp.

Children are often traumatised by the war but at the same time, they are the present and the future for the afflicted countries.

Tell us something about your educational background:

Back in Syria, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English literature from the University of Damascus. Thereafter, I started my job journey and I ended up as Executive Manager for eight years in an industrial and trading company.

As I experienced the war in Syria, the concept of peace and peacebuilding started to possess my life path. Consequently, I got a Master’s degree in peace and conflict transformation at the University of Basel. I followed my passion and studied at the University of Innsbruck /degree of Master of Arts in Peace Studies: Peace, Development, Security and International Conflict Transformation.

How do you like the life in Switzerland?

Switzerland is a peaceful country and Basel is a nice city where I enjoy living. However, I will always miss the social lifestyle and culture in Syria. You would never feel alone in Syria.

What do you do in your free time?

When it is available, sports are one of my serious intentions, in addition to what I have mentioned about my passion before. Unfortunately, my time for this is limited as I attend a German course two / three times a week after I get home from work.

Congrex Switzerland is an internationally operating agency delivering customised solutions. This encompasses the overall organisation of conferences and meetings including the management of hotel rooms and the strategic consultancy. Annually Congrex Switzerland organises approximately 33 events with over 73’000 delegates. Amongst our clients are international associations, governmental organisations and corporations.

If you wish to receive additional information about Congrex Switzerland, please feel free to contact us.

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