Congrex Newsletter 2 Cover - EAN 2017


Dear Friends and Partners

The summer break is approaching. Time for our second Congrex Newsletter with a selection of exciting news and interesting content for Association Executives, Conference Managers, Meeting Planners, Business Travel Specialists and all others working or interested in the meetings industry worldwide.

It has been an amazing first half of 2017:

Congrex Staff EAN

We have been delivering our services for 18 meetings and congresses with over 32’000 participants and our staff is just coming back from Amsterdam after a successful 3rd Conference of theEuropean Academy of Neurology EAN 2017. The highlights were the visit of Queen Maxima of the Netherlands on 26th June and the specially designed new giant curved screen in the plenary room!

Curves Screen - Eventtech - EAN 2017

In addition, we published a press release informing about some major wins for the upcoming years, among others the longest contract ever in our company’s history, which binds us to the European Stroke Organisation as Association Management Company until 2022!

We wish you a relaxing summer break and are looking forward to your feedback using our contact form or make your comments on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

Warm wishes

Alain Pittet

Managing Director | Partner

Click HERE for the Newsletter

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