

Wir glauben an den Aufbau positiver Beziehungen zu unseren Kunden. Lesen Sie unten, was sie über uns sagen.

Prof. Dr. Eva Cignacco

Prof. Dr. Eva Cignacco

"Auf Congrex ist Verlass. Jedes Detail ist durchdacht und allfällige Problembereiche sind antizipiert, so dass rechtzeitig entsprechende Massnahmen ergriffen werden können."

Prof. Tobias Derfuss

Prof. Tobias Derfuss

"Congratulations on a truly successful financial management of the annual ECTRIMS congress. I realise the whole team invested a huge amount of time and effort regarding taxation and VAT handling. At all times they kept an eye on the budget to ensure the best possible congress profit. Thanks to Congrex Switzerland, we achieved outstanding financial results."

Prof. Mario Poljak

Prof. Mario Poljak

“Happy participants are the cornerstone of every conference. To handle a large congress with over 10,000 delegates, you need a PCO with a lot of experience and a highly motivated team. With Congrex Switzerland, we have found a reliable partner who serves our participants in a caring and efficient way.”

Dr. Marjam Rüdiger-Stürchler

Dr. Marjam Rüdiger-Stürchler

„We highly value the collaboration with Congrex Switzerland. Having a steady team at our side which knows and takes care of our interests and our peculiarities in a very professional and collaborative manner is a great advantage for our society. Congrex Switzerland is a reliable partner I enjoy working with and which we can highly recommend.”

Dr. Thomas Hafen

Dr. Thomas Hafen

“BASEL LIFE 2018 was once again a platform of excellence, where specialists in fundamental research and applied science from all over the world met to discuss and to follow top level key notes and symposiums. The Congrex team did a very professional job to organize the venue and to support participants during the three days. They always had an answer and they never lost their smile. BASEL LIFE profited of many improvements implemented by the Congrex team which e.g. helped participants to better interact, or to profit of the industry exhibition.."

Dr. Gregor Dernick

Dr. Gregor Dernick

“The Congrex team worked diligently and made the congress organization happen smoothly. Signage was very well and organized people streams effectively. The decision to bring the Job fair to the same floor as the exhibition was very wise and created more traffic in the exhibition. The Miptec Stage with the various programs conveyed a lively atmosphere. Whenever a last-minute request from the committee came up, the team reacted promptly and effectively.”

Dr. Romain Dabre

Dr. Romain Dabre

”Working with the dedicated and reactive Congrex Switzerland team has been a pleasure. Not only did they perfectly execute everything we asked for, but also added value to the conference through innovative ideas and their extensive experience. We highly recommend Congrex as a reliable partner.”

Dr. Anne Claudel

Dr. Anne Claudel

“Congrex Switzerland hat uns in der Organisation der Clay Conference 2017 in Davos sehr effizient und mit viel Engagement unterstützt. Die erbrachten Dienstleistungen haben wesentlich zum Erfolg der Konferenz beigetragen. Beim Team möchten wir uns ganz herzlich bedanken!”

Prof. Marcel Arnold

Prof. Marcel Arnold

“Ich möchte mich im Namen der Schweizerischen Hirnschlaggesellschaft (SHG) bei Congrex Switzerland und dem gesamten Team für die hervorragende Organisation der SHG-Tagung herzlich bedanken. Das Feedback der Teilnehmer und des Wissenschaftlichen Komitees war durchwegs sehr positiv. ”

Dr. Irina Gaus

Dr. Irina Gaus

“Ich möchte die Gelegenheit nutzen und mich für die professionelle sowie transparente Organisation der Clay Conference 2017 bedanken. Unsere Zusammenarbeit war stets von gegenseitigem Vertrauen getragen, so dass wir als Team ein optimales Resultat erzielen konnten.”

Prof. David Miller

Prof. David Miller

“In my experience, Congrex Switzerland is a reliable, accessible and responsive partner for the management of our association. The ECTRIMS activities are a great success year on year. This success is crucially facilitated by the Congrex Switzerland team, who perform their work with high professional standards whilst also maintaining an excellent rapport with the Executive Committee and Council.”



“I would like to express a huge thank you to the Congrex team for their tremendous support during the last years. The collaboration is not only on a professional basis, I also value their high dedication and personal commitment to ESO.”

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Congrex Switzerland

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