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ECTRIMS Regional Teaching Course 2019

Der erste regionale ECTRIMS Regional Teaching Course 2019 fand vom 31. Mai bis 1. Juni 2019 in Tjumen, Russland, statt. ECTRIMS hat ein jährliches Programm regionaler Lehrveranstaltungen initiiert, um wissenschaftliche Treffen zu Themen von Interesse und Bedeutung für die MS zu organisieren.

Was unsere Kunden sagen

Prof. David MillerProf. David Miller

“In my experience, Congrex Switzerland is a reliable, accessible and responsive partner for the management of our association. The ECTRIMS activities are a great success year on year. This success is crucially facilitated by the Congrex Switzerland team, who perform their work with high professional standards whilst also maintaining an excellent rapport with the Executive Committee and Council.”

Was unserer Kunden sagen

Prof. David MillerProf. David Miller

“In my experience, Congrex Switzerland is a reliable, accessible and responsive partner for the management of our association. The ECTRIMS activities are a great success year on year. This success is crucially facilitated by the Congrex Switzerland team, who perform their work with high professional standards whilst also maintaining an excellent rapport with the Executive Committee and Council.”

Unsere Leistungen

Project Management





ECTRIMS – European Committee For Treatment And Research In Multiple Sclerosis

Das Europäische Komitee für Behandlung und Forschung bei Multipler Sklerose (ECTRIMS) ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation und eine unabhängige, repräsentative, europaweite Organisation für Multiple Sklerose (MS).

Ort: Tyumen

Land: Russland

Mehr Referenzen in Tyumen

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Congrex Switzerland

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